Digital rendering of what new turf fields might look like.
On November 5th, the city of Torrington’s voters will decide on whether the new school should have turf or grass fields.
Depending on the vote, the designs for the new field will be finalized. According to THS Building Committee Chair Mario Longubucco, the final product will be determined by how much funding is approved. According to Longubucco, turf would be the best financial choice for the district.

“1.2 million dollars in savings if we remove grass seed, topsoil, and irrigation from the project,” Longubucco said. This money saved from the taxpayers would be used to create the turf field and the lights needed for this project.
Whether the voters vote for turf or grass, Longubucco said the work on the fields will begin after the new year. The new fields will be located where the grass fields are currently located and on the land where our school stands. The speed of progress will depend on the weather we will be getting in the winter.
Longubucco is in favor of turf fields. He stated, “I have no doubt in my mind that turf and hopefully some lights is the right thing to do for the school and the city…We have already built one of the finest high school/middle school campuses in the state.” He suggested that turf fields would be the better look and feel for the new building.
Longubucco also said turf fields would suit our teams better, allowing spring sports outside practice earlier because “it drains much more rapidly than grass.” He also said turf lasts longer, “for close to 20 years.” A poll was done in Mr.Tyler’s Sport Science class with 18 out of 22 students voting for turf fields over grass.
Students seem in favor of turf as well. Junior Taliyah Mencio mentions that turf is “easier to run in” and senior Aniya Pusely adds on stating that turf is, “easier to manage than grass”.
What are your thoughts?