Not sure what you should wear for this upcoming spirit week? We’ve got you covered. Here are some outfit ideas you can use to inspire you. Ranging from super easy to a committed spirit finder.
Winter weather wear is easy enough to find, but with the heat in some classrooms, you might want to keep it easy on the layers (or keep a water bottle on you). Staying in thinner fabrics is the optimal solution, but not everyone has those, so a plaid jacket and jeans is a great option. A sweater is also a great choice. You can pair it with a long skirt and warm socks or leggings.
Just be careful not to overheat in class on monday
Holiday sweaters are very much a statement piece. Often with tinsel and bells, holiday sweaters can be intimidating. To combat their standout-ness, you can wear simple bottoms, jeans, sweats, and leggings are all great options. But what if you want the opposite aesthetic? Well, you can keep the craziness going with patterned pants and big accessories.
Red vs. Green is probably the easiest of them all, especially for Freshmen and Sophomores. The underclassman can get away with wearing their class shirts. As for the rest of us, any outfit with accents of either color would work perfectly. This would be a great day for face paint too, but don’t go too overboard with it.
Holiday day is such a fun concept. If your favorite holiday is valentine’s day, reds and pinks would be your best friend. If your favorite holiday is halloween, greens, oranges, purples, and blacks should be your color pallet. Red, white, and blue for a patriotic fourth for July look. Wear lots of brown or full out wear a turkey costume if thanksgiving is your favorite holiday.
Movie character day is a beloved spirit day. If you dressed as a deer for halloween, you could reuse that outfit and be a reindeer, add a red nose and you got Rudolph. If you have a lot of green in your closet, you could always dress as the Grinch. If you have time to braid your hair, you could wear pink and become Cindy-Lou-Who. Yellow pants and a green jacket can get you an ‘Elf’ inspired look. If you like Frosty the Snowman, a base outfit of white with a black hat and a red nose is the costume for you.