The new THS/TMS building is scheduled to open in January of 2025. As it nears completion, more questions grow with it. The latest question: how safe will the new building be compared to the current one?
Many current THS students and staff members state safety concerns, especially with headlines of school emergencies covering the country. Mr. Tyler states that although no specific safety concerns are raising red flags for him at this time, the school “always needs to be looking at everything about safety because of the current state of our country.”
Yet, Mr. Scott states that “there are no safety concerns regarding the new or current school at this time.” The THS principal did note that ballistic-resistant windows are a feature of the new building, a safety item that is not currently in place at THS.
Students feel generally, but not completely safe. Four students indicated that their safety level is currently at a 7/10. They hope that as the move into the new building progresses, new protocols and procedures will be implemented as the country continues to deal with emergencies such as school shootings. Angelique, a senior, believes that “metal detectors could be very useful and convenient for the crowded school population around us.” She goes on to explain how during passing time, the halls get so full, which can pose safety issues.
Metal detectors are not a current plan for the new building.
Three concerned interviewees, all students, replied by mentioning the recent Georgia school shooting that happened on September 4th, taking the lives of two teachers and two students, while injuring nine others. In fact, the Pew Research Center stated that following the Parkland school shooting in February of 2018, 57% of students worried that a shooting could happen at their own school.
Despite these concerns, Mr. Scott explained that as time goes on and the THS community is acclimated to the new building, the topic of building safety will be frequently visited to make sure students are as safe as possible.