Class Color Day remains the most popular Spirit Week day.
The Homecoming Spirit Week was well supported – many students did participate, especially in Minion Day, but there is some constructive criticism floating around in response.
7 people from the school were interviewed and asked their opinions on the week’s themes. Many say the Spirit Week themes are just okay. Students said…
“I think the spirit week options could be better.”- Olivia Trigonis (grade 11)
“It feels like the same reused spirit weeks from every other year. More creative themes would be nice.” – Evelyn Calle (grade 11).
Starting with Monday’s theme; dress to impress, there were mixed feelings about the theme. Some people rated it a 5/5 (1 being the worst, 5 being the best) while others rated it at
a 1 – 3 . Chloe Knox, a junior, said: “I would change dress to impress because not many students feel comfortable to dress all dressed up the whole school day causing less people to get involved”. Some students also may not own dressy clothes to participate in this theme as well. Madison Gonzalez (grade 11) said “Dress to impress should have been a Halloween theme to prepare for October.” I think this could be a fun theme and an easier theme for students to follow.
Moving on to Tuesday’s theme. Many students liked Twin Day, generally rating it a 4 or 5. Gabriella Prahm (grade 10) said: “I think that twin day is a classic”. I liked this theme. It was fun to do with a friend and quite easy to follow.
The theme for Wednesday: past meets present, also had mixed opinions. Around half of those interviewed disliked the theme, while the other half liked it. Those who disliked the theme said: “I would change past meets present because without a picture people don’t know what outfit you’re trying to recreate.”- Olivia Trigonis (grade 11). This theme is cool in theory but the description of it is strange since students are meant to dress as their elementary school self. Some issues are; how would others know they dressed up for the theme and who still has clothes similar to their style in elementary? It’s similar to Decade Day from last year, except with a different description of what you should wear.
The “minion out” theme on Thursday had mixed feelings as well. When asked her opinions on the themes Sara He said: “The themes for spirit week are good except minion day. I like the idea but I feel like a lot of people don’t own yellow clothing like myself”. Others say “Minion day just doesn’t really fit at all, as it’s really specific”- Gabriella Prahm (grade 10). The theme could have been better if it was “character day” so that students are more likely to have clothes that match the theme, like what He said, not many people own yellow.
Friday’s theme is a classic: class color day. 4 out of the 7 people interviewed rated the theme 5/5 and the other 3 rated the theme 3/5. No one had anything to say about the theme because there’s really not much to say. This theme is for the pep rally on this day, it helps to unite students together who are in the same grade. It is a good theme to help promote school spirit.