When asked how many students come in to get something printed out per day Mrs. Mancini turned to Mrs. Natrillo and asked “Would you say three is right?” A number that seems low for a school the size of THS. Mrs. Natrillo chimed in that she believes the number is so low because “Most teachers accept work electronically, most don’t require things to be printed out unless it’s a project.” Which is true. Junior Lazarus Barreto has never considered using the library’s printing services: “I never really have to print anything and I didnt know that was a thing.” On the rare occasion Lazarus does need something printed he gets it done at home.
The library moving from one of the schools main hallways to the basement may be the reason behind their lack of visitors. Mrs. Natrillo states that “People don’t really know where we are anymore, plus we don’t have any books or places for people to come during study hall so people tend to forget about us.”
However the library can print out anything school related, such as essays, notes, pictures for projects ect. Their main limitation is not being able to print things out in color for students because of the cost of resources like paper and ink. But most students don’t typically need things printed in color anyways. All students have to do is get a pass to the library and bring their macbook. From there they will have to share the document with one of the media specialists and they will do the rest.
Mrs. Natrillo urges students to take advantage of the library’s printing because they don’t have many other options to get things printed. The library gives students who don’t have printers at home and don’t want to pay to get something printed an opportunity to get it done quickly and cost free.