So the New Year has finally started, so that means people are going to want to change themselves for the better. If you are one trying to be a better person this year but do not know where to start this is the article for you.
Many people don’t do New Year’s resolutions because those can be considered as a waste of time, waste of effort, and a waste of money due to many people not sticking with their goals. To make it where you want you’ll have to envision yourself living the life you want and everyday keep pushing towards the goal until you meet it and eventually exceed the goal.
One thing you can have is to try to improve your mental health. Many teenagers suffer from either stress, anxiety, or depression, oftentimes they hold in the way they feel from everyone but themselves. Ways this can start improving are by going out with friends more, making a routine or a schedule based around your day, going to therapy, or being more open and talking to more people. This can give you things to do and open up more opportunities to be happier.
Another thing you can try to improve is your physical health. This can start by creating a diet that is based on your physical goals; for example, if your goal is to put on muscle you should base your diet around good protein sources. Another way you can improve your physical health is by exercising. There are many ways you can exercise like doing home workouts, walks, or going to the gym. After a month or so of being consistent, you will feel a lot better and your body will have many benefits.
My last suggestion for New Year’s resolutions is to spread more positivity in the community. Ways you can do this are by keeping a smile on your face, committing acts of kindness, and giving out genuine compliments. Making the people around you feel happy causes there to be a stronger bond and connection. A study by the Journal of Positive Psychology shows that happiness can come much more from making others feel good than only focusing on your own.