This fall, Cadets from Torrington High School’s Junior ROTC program went on a two-day overnight field trip to Camp NET, a Connecticut Army National Guard base in Niantic, CT. Weather issues caused a change in planes, but THS students were flexible and made the most of the change.
According to Lt. Col. Coulouras, our cadets get this opportunity every year, and each year, so many of them come back refreshed and trained. The course usually has cadets breaking into teams and going through obstacle courses and solving problems. Coulouras says “It’s like a simulated battlefield,” when referring to the activity courses. The camp has a multitude of different courses to engage all of the cadets.
Unfortunately, our cadets could not participate in these activities because of the weather at the

time. Rain would made the equipment slippery and unsafe for our kids.
Fortunately, the Army National Guards in charge of this trip had a backup plan. Torrington’s kids were brought right to the base on Camp NET. While there, our cadets played a multitude of games when they were not practicing drills. After a day full of physical training, the JROTC toured the Army National Guard helicopter repair facility.
Overall, the trip went really well, even with the mishaps of the weather and lack of company from Naugatuck High School. Our cadets came back home having learned a lot and trained hard.